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How to Plan a Post-Coronavirus Playdate

How to Plan a Post-Coronavirus Playdate

We know how hard it’s been to keep your child at home these past several months. By now, they’re likely itching to get back to playing with their friends. However, with the coronavirus still spreading across the country, it is important to still follow social distancing rules when spending time with our friends.  

Planning a playdate in a post-coronavirus world can be difficult, so be sure to follow these steps to keep your child and their friends completely safe: 

Make plans with those who are practicing social distancing 

You can take as many precautions as you’d like, but if the person you’re spending time with doesn’t also take those precautions, they could be putting you and your child at risk. Only make a playdate with people you completely trust and who you know are practicing safe social distancing measures.  

Keep it outside 

In general, staying outside is safer than staying inside. Germs are less likely to spread, and you’ll be better able to stay six feet apart in someone’s backyard rather than in their living room. You can also spend your time in many outdoor public spaces such as parks, pools, and bike paths. 

Don’t forget the essentials 

Even if you’re staying outside, you should still bring a supply of masks, hand sanitizers, and wipes for you and your children. Additionally, while sharing is always a great quality to have, you should bring your own toys and snacks to keep germ spread at a minimum. When you come home, be sure to clean and disinfect the toys that you brought, too, just in case. 

Here at The Zoo Factory, we want to make sure our kids are still having fun even during the coronavirus outbreak. To learn more about how to keep your kids safe, read through our blog or contact us for more information! 

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Why It’s OK to Have a Stuffed Animal as an Adult

Woman with Teddy Bear

Stuffed animals are often thought of as children’s toys that you discard once you’re older. When an adult does admit to having one, they’re often shamed for it, but it’s not something to be ashamed of—far from it. As it turns out, stuffed animals can actually help adults live healthier and happier lives.

Stuffed animals ease anxiety

Adulthood can be hectic, especially if you’re in your 20’s and just getting on your feet. It involves a lot of anxiety as you’re trying out new jobs and new places. Stuffed animals, however, due to our nostalgic and sentimental attachment to them, can bring a sense of security, easing all those pent-up, negative emotions and even helping us behave better.

They give us company

I think we can all agree that a stuffed animal is more than just a toy. Just like our pets or friends, we get attached to them, no matter our age. They provide us comfort when we need it most, and friendship when it’s in short supply. In adulthood this can be especially the case, but our old teddy can help with that, giving us company and something to care for.

Lots of adults still sleep with a stuffed animal

We pretend like keeping our stuffed animals into adulthood is strange, but it’s actually much more common than we realize. According to a 2017 study, 40% of adults in America still sleep with a stuffed animal at their side every night. So if you’re one of them, then you’re in good company.

At The Zoo Factory, we believe that you’re never too old for stuffed animals. Take a look at our stuffable animals to bring a new friend into your home today.

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The History of Raikes Bears

Woodworker Carving a Piece of Wood

If you’re a fan of teddy bears and their rich history, you’ve probably heard of the Raikes Bear. This is one of the most historical teddy bears of all times, especially known for the unique features it possesses.

Raikes Bears are well-known for their carved, wooden faces. While they were extremely popular many years ago, they are now pretty hard to come by.

Robert Raikes who was the creator of the Raikes Bear was well-traveled according to ThoughtCo. Raikes was born in California and lived all over the United States. He also lived in England, and after joining the military, lived in various parts of Southeast Asia.

Raikes had a passion for carving, which resulted in the famous Raikes Bear. His earliest carvings consisted of wooden sculptures that ranged from furniture to carousel horses. In the 1970s, Raikes was asked to produce dolls. As a result, the first version of the Raikes Bears, which had a carved wooden face and cloth bodies filled with sawdust, hit the market.

In the next few years, Raikes perfected his aesthetic and his teddy bears started to become very popular. In the 1980s, Raikes created the first Raikes Bear that most people are familiar with now.

After selling the bears for several years, Raikes sold the licensing rights to a company called Applause. After a couple of successful years, Raikes reclaimed the rights to the unique bears, hoping to perfect them and bring a limited number to the market. With that, their value increased immensely because only a few bears were available at one time and they were being crafted by Raikes himself.

Raikes Bears are now available in second hand shops and specialty gift stores, but they certainly come at cost. If you have one of the originals, it could now be worth hundreds.

The Zoo Factory has dozens of fun, soft animals to choose from, your child can pick out his or her new favorite friend and toy.

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4 Ways to Sleep Better

You’re lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. The time is 2am. You’re tired, but no matter what you do, you simply can’t fall asleep. You toss and turn for another few hours, somehow getting a few moments of rest here or there, before your alarm finally tells you it’s time to get up and start the day.

If this sounds familiar, then you’re certainly not alone. Plenty of Americans struggle with getting a proper night’s sleep, and in most cases, it’s because they’re not practicing the right bedtime techniques. So if you find yourself tossing and turning each night, then read over these tips for getting a better night’s rest.

Set a sleep schedule and stick to it

The key to a better night’s sleep is consistency. As much as you may enjoy sleeping in on the weekends, it can ruin your body’s internal clock. So pick a time to go to bed and wake up, and then stick to it each day.

Give yourself time to wind down

One of the reasons why you’re not falling asleep is because you’re not giving your body and mind enough time to wind down. You won’t be falling asleep if you’re still stressed about things that happened earlier in the day. Even watching TV or reading on our smartphones can have an adverse effect on our sleep. So shut off the TV, put away your smartphone, and instead curl up with a book roughly an hour before bedtime.

Use light effectively

Light impacts our circadian rhythm, so use it to your advantage. Avoid it in the evenings to tell your body it’s time to sleep, while expose yourself to it in the morning as a sign that it’s time to wake up.

Sleep with a comfort object

In order to sleep, you need to be relaxed. A good way of doing this is having a comfort object to sleep with. This could be a blanket (weighted ones are especially good for our sleep), a special pillow, or a stuffed animal.  Whatever your comfort object, it can provide a sense of security and ease that will allow you to sleep undisturbed throughout the night.

At The Zoo Factory, we believe every person could benefit from sleeping with a beloved stuffed animal. Need one for yourself? Then check out all of our cuddly stuffable animals that are sure to help you get a better night’s rest.

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Why Do We Give Teddy Bears as Presents for Valentine’s Day?

teddy bear in gift bag for valentine's day

On Valentine’s Day, we want to show our partners just how much we love them. We plan a romantic dinner, get dressed up, and then pick out the perfect gifts. The standard Valentine’s Day gifts always include flowers, chocolates, and, of course, teddy bears. But why, exactly, do we give our partners teddy bears on Valentine’s Day? Read on to learn more:

They’re cute and cuddly

Ever since their invention in 1902, teddy bears have been beloved by Americans. They’re cute and cuddly and make the perfect gift for those we love. Because of these attributes, they immediately win the hearts of children and adults alike. Everyone smiles when they see a teddy bear, and while they’re often associated with children, their cuteness and cuddliness can easily translate into a romantic gesture for adults.

They’re long-lasting

Flowers last for a few weeks, and chocolate a few hours, but a teddy bear can last a lifetime. Your partner will always be reminded of your love for years to come. Plus, teddy bears can withstand quite a bit. Even if your partner decides to sleep with their new teddy, you can trust that the bear will last a long time.

They provide comfort

Much research has been done on the comforting and calming effects of stuffed animals. Even as adults, we find a sense of comfort from our teddy bears. Add in the fact that you will be giving the teddy bear and your partner will always find comfort and calm from this gift.

If you’re looking for the perfect teddy bear to give your loved one this Valentine’s Day, look no further than The Zoo Factory! Look through our website to get started!

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Tips For Throwing A Successful Stuffed Animal Party

Stuffed Animals with a Cupcake

As your little one is approaching their next birthday, you want to start thinking of a theme and a fun activity that everyone will enjoy. A stuffed animal party would be a wonderful option to choose this year. At The Zoo Factory you can throw a party with 8-inch, 16-inch, or themed stuffed animals. As you prepare for your child’s next birthday, we have a few tips for throwing the party of the year!

Have enough stuffed animals for everyone

If a child RSVP’s that they cannot come and shows up randomly at your door, you want to make sure that they can be included in the day’s activities. Accidents can always happen, especially with young children around. We recommend having a couple extra animals on hand, just in case there is any sort of mishap!

Have a variety of stuffed animals to choose from

When it comes to choosing stuffed animals, having a variety of options on hand is always best! Every child is different, so give them a chance to show off their individuality with plenty of different stuffed animal options to choose from. Remember, all girls don’t like ponies and all boys don’t love frogs. Have some different options for the kids to choose from so no one goes home disappointed.

Play stuffed animal-inspired games

Once each child has their own stuffed animal, then it’s time to have some fun. Put together some games for the children to play, such as hide and seek or an animal fashion show. If you’re short of ideas, then check out one of our most recent blog posts about the different kinds of games kids can play with their stuffed animals.

Have fun!

There is a lot that goes into planning a great birthday party, but the most important thing to remember is to have fun! This is an exciting and special day for your child, one that will stand out in their memory for years to come. Relax and enjoy yourself and the smiles on all of the kids’ faces as they celebrate your little one’s big day.

Start planning your stuffed animal party with The Zoo Factory today! View our party packages online and search our site for animals that your kids will love.


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Can’t Make a Family Vacation? Send Your Stuffed Animals Instead!

Stuffed Animal Wanderlust

Unagi Travel offers a unique experience for your long-loved companion. Maybe you can’t take the time off work, or maybe a family vacation is just not in your budget this year, whatever the case may be, there’s an intriguingly fun alternative. Send your family’s favorite stuffed animals on vacation and receive stunning photographs of your cherished friends in aesthetically stunning scenes and gorgeous landmarks from all over Japan. Maybe you can’t see the world just yet, but your lifelong best friend can, and you can create lasting photographs that spark emotion and desire.

The program, started by Sonoe Azuma, takes your stuffed animal on an adventurous excursion. You can follow the trip on Facebook to feel as if you’re really there with your companion. Over 200 toys have already traveled around Japan and the United States.

To satisfy your burning wanderlust, it could cost thousands of dollars for an enjoyable stay. Sending your stuffed animal can range from $20-$55 dollars and the trip includes a photo CD of all the sightseeing adventures.


Would you send your stuffed animal across the world to venture where you can’t go? Share your thoughts or photos of your stuffed animals traveling in our comments section!


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How Stuffed Animals Help Kids with Autism

young girl sitting on bed with stuffed animals

If you have a child with autism, then you know how difficult some days can be. Naturally, you want to find ways to make things easier on your child. As it turns out, stuffed animals can be one of these ways. While a stuffed animal is never a replacement for therapy or other doctor-prescribed treatments, they can help alleviate the typical symptoms associated with autism. Here’s how:

Stuffed animals are great comfort objects

Whether they’re four years old or forty, many people with autism are easily overwhelmed by the noise and chaos of everyday life. That’s why they often turn to comfort objects that can provide security and some sensory regulation. Stuffed animals can fulfill this role particularly well as they can be held, cuddled, and even weighted to provide children with a sense of calm.

They can teach play skills

Studies have shown that autistic children play differently than non-autistic children. They often lack specific play skills such as imitation skills or symbolic play (or pretend play) skills. Instead, they’ll engage in more solitary, repetitive play. Stuffed animals can be useful tools when teaching these valuable play skills through various therapeutic approaches.

They can help children practice social skills

Children with autism often struggle with social and communication skills. While they have the desire to interact with others, they usually don’t know how or get overwhelmed when they’re around new people. A stuffed animal, however, can help your child practice those much-needed social skills so that they’re more confident when dealing with other children.

A stuffed animal may not be the silver bullet, but it can certainly help your child get through each day a little easier. Here at The Zoo Factory we have plenty of stuffable animals that will be perfect for your child. Look through our inventory or contact us today.

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Helping Your Child Return to School After COVID-19

Helping Your Child Return to School After COVID-19

School districts around the country are taking steps to safely return kids back to school. Some schools are bringing kids back completely, others are doing a hybrid model, and there are a few that are opting for completely digital learning. While schools are doing everything that they can to keep your children safe, there are some things that you, as a parent, can do as well to better prepare your child for the new school year. 

Talk to them 

Older kids likely understand the risks that are involved and the precautions they need to take when going back to school. Younger kids, meanwhile, may struggle to understand why they need to wear a mask or why they’re not going to school five days a week. Before the school year starts, take some time to sit down and talk with your child about why this new year will be different and how important it is for them to practice good social distancing.  

Check their temperature each morning 

One of the first signs of COVID-19 is a high temperature. Catching it early will help ensure that your child doesn’t spread the disease to other children and families. Check their temperature every morning to determine whether or not they should go to school. If their temperature is ever higher than 100.4 degrees, then they should stay home. 

Get them a mask and hand sanitizer 

It is more than likely that your school district will require children to wear masks. Even if they are not required, it is still a good idea to wear them. Be sure you have at least two masks for your child, as chances are, they’ll lose their first one eventually. You should also equip them with some hand sanitizer to further limit disease spread.  

If you can, avoid the bus 

Buses can be a prime spot for the coronavirus to spread. If you can manage it, try and drive your kid to school yourself, or have them carpool with a trusted friend. If the bus is your only option, then make sure your kid wears their mask and stays six feet away from other kids at all times.  

These are stressful times for both parents and kids. That’s why we at The Zoo Factory want to do everything we can to make things easier on families. Our stuffable animals can be a great source of comfort to kids, and our blog is an excellent resource for parents. Have further questions? Then don’t hesitate to reach out today! 

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Valentine’s Day Gifts Every Daughter will Love

A holiday usually celebrated by couples, Valentine’s Day is also a wonderful opportunity to remind your daughter just how much you love her. You daughter will love spending the day with you and whether you decide to bake pink cupcakes together or let your child introduce you to her current favorite movie, there are so many ways to make this holiday a special one for your entire family. And with Valentine’s Day landing on a Sunday this year, you will have plenty of time to spend with your daughter during the day while still being able to enjoy a night out with your spouse.

Looking for a gift your daughter will love? The Zoo Factory has some sweet ideas for her and her favorite stuffed friends:


cupcake necklace


The perfect daddy-daughter Valentine’s Day gift, surprise your daughter with an adorable necklace this year. From bumble bees to cupcakes and ladybugs, there are a wide variety of options to choose from, each in a unique box that compliments the jewelry inside. Whether you choose her favorite animal or a cupcake in her favorite color, your daughter will love wearing this Valentine’s Day gift from you.

“Little Secrets” Heart

little secrets stuffed animal hearts

Whether paired with a new stuffed animal or for your daughter’s favorite stuffed pal to hold, this 16 inch heart is available in purple, pink and red. Each color has a different Valentine’s Day themed message embroidered on it and a secret compartment perfect for storing a Valentine inside.

A New Dress

red and silver dress for stuffed animals

Planning a fancy brunch or an afternoon tea party with your daughter this Valentine’s Day? Come prepared with a new dress for her teddy bear. Some of our favorite outfits for the holiday include the red dress with silver hearts, the black dress with pink hearts and the pink satin tutu!

There are so many great ways to make Valentine’s Day special for your daughter, so why not start a new tradition with her this year? With the holiday less than a month away, place your gift order soon to make sure it arrives in time.

Happy Valentine’s Day from The Zoo Factory!