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The Evolution of Stuffed Animals

vintage teddy bear

At the Zoo Factory, it’s no surprise that we love stuffed animals. We think they’re great for people of all ages as a safe, healthy, and fun toy that everyone can enjoy. And clearly, we’re not alone: stuffed animals have been loved by people for centuries.

Let’s take a trip in time to see where stuffed animals came from, and how people came to love them in the first place.

The Early Stuffed Animal The Evolution of Stuffed Animals

Did you know that civilizations around the world have been making some form of a stuffed animal since the beginning of recorded history? Actually, it was the Romans in as early as 300 BC who are first credited with creating the rag doll, which were made with fabric scraps and filled with straw. These were mostly enjoyed by poorer children, who were unable to afford the pricier toys of the day.

The Modern Stuffed Animal

There are really two instances where the stuffed animals that we know came about. The first is the stuffed elephant created by Margarete Steiff in 1880, who first produced the toy based on a pattern she read in a magazine. She eventually started manufacturing thousands of these elephants, and Steiff’s company became one of the most popular in the world.

The other is the most famous: the world-famous “Teddy Bear.” In 1902, toymaker Morris Michtom saw a cartoon in the Washington Post about how President “Teddy” Roosevelt had spared the life of a bear cub when out hunting one day. The story inspired him to make a toy replica of the bear cub, and he ended up calling it a “teddy bear.” Of course, Michtom’s toy shot to international fame, and Ideal Toy Company, Michtom’s company, soon was the biggest toy manufacturer in the country.

Of course, stuffed animals have gone on to take a number of different forms, and appear in popular culture all over the world. But that history lends itself to their original creativity, and beloved comfort.

At the Zoo Factory, we pride ourselves on continuing that history with the best selection of stuffed animals out there. If you have any questions about our selection, contact us today!

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How to Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of Shots

child receiving vaccine from doctor with family beside her

As of this blog post, the FDA is on the brink of approving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11. And for the past several months, children over the age of 12 years old have been receiving the vaccine. We all understand the importance of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as other vaccines, in order to safeguard our public health. Nevertheless, if you have a child with a fear of shots, getting them to sit down for a vaccine can be easier said than done.

But don’t give up just yet. By taking the right steps, you can help your child ease their fear of shots and get vaccinated like everyone else!

Educate them about vaccines

The less people know about something, the more they fear it. Kids are no different. If you educate your children about how vaccines work, they’ll be less frightened once the time comes to get one. Keep your explanation simple and emphasize that vaccines are here to protect us, not harm us.

Practice beforehand

Another way to lessen your child’s anxiety is to practice getting a shot beforehand. Purchase a toy medical kit and have one person play the doctor and the other play the patient. You can even use one of your child’s stuffed animals to play the role of the patient.

Be an example

Our children model their behavior off of ours. Even if you’re a little nervous about shots, try to exhibit a sense of calm when it’s time for your child’s appointment. You can also try bringing your child with you when it’s time for you to get a shot yourself. While many adults have already received the COVID-19 vaccine, now is the best time to get your flu shot!

Bring a comfort item

When the big day comes, it’s normal for your child to get a little nervous. To help manage their anxiety, consider having them bring a comfort item with them. This could be their favorite blankie, toy, stuffed animal, etc.

The Zoo Factory has plenty of lovable, stuffed animals that can help ease your child’s anxieties. Look through our website to find their next best friend today!

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4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy Throughout the School Year

4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy Throughout the School Year

We always want to keep our kids healthy throughout the school year, but with the coronavirus, it has become more important now than ever before. Schools have always been a prime place for children to pick up germs and illnesses, so it’s necessary to take extra precautions before your kids get onto the school bus. Here are a few ways to get started:

Keep them up to date on their vaccines

While the coronavirus is still a major concern, that doesn’t mean you should forget about the other infectious disease that your child could come into contact with. During the early fall months, take your child to their pediatrician to get them up to date on their vaccines, including their annual flu shot.

Make sure they wear their mask

For most school districts, wearing a mask is required when attending class. If you have younger children, make sure they understand the importance of wearing their masks throughout the day. Additionally, give your child two masks to hold onto just in case they lose the one they’re wearing.

Teach them proper hand washing techniques

Regularly washing your hands is just as important as wearing a mask. When your kids head off to school, they should go knowing how to properly wash their hands. You can follow the CDC’s guidelines for how and when to wash your hands here.

Keep an eye on their stress levels

During such stressful times, it can be easy for our kids to feel overly anxious. Not only does this compromise their mental health, but it can compromise their physical health as well. Indeed, anxiety and stress can actually weaken our immune system, leaving us more susceptible to diseases. Keep an eye out for common signs of stress to make sure your kids don’t get too anxious throughout the school year.

Here at The Zoo Factory, we want to make sure every child has a safe and healthy school year. For more tips, read more posts from our blog!

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How to Support Your Child’s Mental Health

father playing with children

As caregivers, we want the best for our kids. We support their academic careers, their ambitions, and their physical health. However, we also need to support their mental health. We live in stressful times, and supporting our children’s mental health is of the utmost importance. Here’s how to get started:

Praise their character

While our children’s accomplishments are important, they’re not the only thing that is important. Their character—how they behave and present themselves—truly shows what kind of person they are. Praising your child’s character will help them build self-confidence and instill good habits.

Don’t hold back your love

We love our kids, but sometimes we struggle to show it during our busy lives. However, showing unconditional love regularly will remind kids that they are cared for and loved. Even if your child makes mistakes, they’ll know they have a family there to love and support them.

Spend quality time together

While our daily lives are busy, it’s important to spend some quality time with our children. Not only does this show them we care, but it can also decrease isolation and loneliness. And it doesn’t haven’t to be a fancy affair. Watch TV with them, take a walk, or help them with their homework.

Have open communication

Your children should feel comfortable to talk to you about anything. Show your child that you’re open to anything by asking them open-ended questions. They may not always answer them, but simply asking the questions will teach them that they can come to you with anything once they feel comfortable.

For more parenting tips and tricks, read through our blog here at The Zoo Factory!

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Crafty Halloween: DIY Decorations Your Kids Will Love Making

Above view many different Halloween pumpkins made of felt or paper placed on wooden surface. Handmade halloween style bookmarks.

October is synonymous with the excitement of Halloween – a time where creativity comes to life, quite literally. Ghosts, goblins, witches, and their mystical companions adorn neighborhoods, but there’s something uniquely satisfying about handcrafted decorations. Engaging children in DIY Halloween crafts not only fosters creativity but also builds anticipation for the spookiest night of the year. Below are some whimsical, kid-friendly decoration ideas to make your home the talk of the town.

1. Ghostly Lanterns

Materials Needed: Old jars, white paint, black marker, and a tea light.

Instructions: Have your kids paint the outside of the jars with white paint. Once dried, draw ghostly faces using a black marker. Insert a tea light, and voila, you have a collection of eerie yet adorable ghost lanterns to light up the spooky night.

2. Pumpkin Painting

Materials Needed: Pumpkins and colorful paints.

Instructions: Carving can be a bit complex and messy for younger children. Instead, lay out a plethora of paint options and let your kids’ imaginations run wild. Monsters, witches, or even their favorite superheroes can come to life on the pumpkins!

3. Spider Sacks

Materials Needed: White yarn, small plastic spiders, and balloons.

Instructions: Wrap the yarn around inflated balloons, creating a web-like effect. Insert small plastic spiders in between the spaces. Once dry, pop the balloon, and you have a creepy-crawly spider sack to hang around the house.

Conclusion: Making Memories

These craft ideas are not just about adorning your home with Halloween decor but also about the experience and memories created during the process. Children’s pride in their creations and the joy of witnessing their artistry displayed fosters a sense of accomplishment and excitement.

While your kids are diving into their artistic pursuits, why not add an extra touch of magic with cuddly friends from The Zoo Factory? Our stuffed animals can be the cozy companions your children need during their creative escapades. Each critter is waiting to be brought to life with imagination, making the Halloween experience even more memorable. Discover our enchanting collection today, and let’s make this Halloween a fusion of spooky and snuggly!

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Adding A Wonderful Scent To Your Child’s Stuffed Animal

Adding A Wonderful Scent To Your Child's Stuffed AnimalOne of the strongest senses the human body experiences is the sense of smell. Scents play a key role in our mental and emotional well-being. Most people have a favorite scent that brings them peace, and a feeling of calm and happiness. This occurs most often with children.

Whether it is a parent’s scent, the smell of the laundry detergent or food, children relate happiness and memories to a special scent. Scents and significant items are particularly important in the life of a child. Think back to your own childhood and we can imagine that at one point, there was a stuffed animal or doll that was a favorite. As a small child, stuffed animals and their unique scent are very comforting.

When you combine the two, a stuffed animal and inviting scent, you have a wonderful combination in a product that is sure to be loved by any little human being.

The world of creating a stuffed animal friend is a popular activity for our youngest generation. They love the idea that their buddy has been hand-picked and stuffed just for them. You can now take the special process one step further by placing a scent in the middle of the stuffing within the animal for a long-lasting smell.

Aromabearapy has a full line of adorable paw-inspired scent chips to be placed within stuffed animals. All you have to do is add the scent chip in the middle of the tummy inside of the stuffing. After a few minutes, tell your little one to hug their friend tightly and a wonderful smell will erupt from the animal. The smell is not over-powering.  Some of the scents include baby powder, bubble gum, apple, cotton candy, strawberry, and more.

For a full list and description of the available Aromabearapy scent chips, feel free to browse our website. For more information, contact us today!

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Finding Accessories For Your Child’s Stuffed Animal

Finding Accessories For Your Child's Stuffed AnimalThere are a variety of child friendly toys that can become a treasured item in their life. However, nothing can really compare to the love given to a stuffed animal. Stuffed animals are a little one’s first best friend and companion that travel to and fro wherever they go.

Stuffed animals bring much comfort in times of need in a child’s life such as birthdays, illnesses, first school experience, and also for those just because moments.

What else that is so great about a stuffed animal is that there are no batteries required, there is little to no maintenance expect for an occasional washing, and they are the perfect way to give and get a comforting squeeze.

When stuffed animals first became popular decades ago, it was typically a brown, black or white teddy bear. This teddy bear would be fuzzy and cute and very simple. Nowadays, stuffed animals can be accessorized to the fullest, making playing with them so much more fun.

Your little one will certainly have a delightful time dressing up and accessorizing their stuffed friend. Some examples of accessories include outfits, shoes, hats, jewelry, back packs, bathing items, swimwear, and sunglasses.

Two very adorable accessories available for stuffed animals are the sleeping bags and Little Secret Hearts.

As a companion for sleepovers, the sleeping bag is perfect. Fitting a large stuffed animal, the sleeping bag is so much fun for little ones to play pretend sleepover with their best furry friend. When going on vacation or when having to be away, your child’s stuffed animal’s sleeping bag brings much comfort and entertainment.

Little Secret Hearts are 16 inches and have an elastic band that wraps around the stuffed animal and also has a little storage compartment. Closing with Velcro, your little one’s animal can hold or hug their little secrets! Each Little Secret Heart has a sweet message embroidered on the front, making it much more significant.

For a look at these stuffed animal accessories, feel free to browse through our website. The Zoo Factory has a wonderful collection of accessories that will be perfect, contact us for more information today.

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How to Hold Storytelling Nights with Stuffed Animals for Your Kids

Closeup portrait of two sisters reading book under blanket lit by warm sunlight, copy space

In a world where screens often dominate our evenings, returning to the simple joys of storytelling can be a breath of fresh air. Incorporating stuffed animals into storytelling nights adds a layer of interactive fun that can captivate your child’s imagination. Here’s how you can create magical storytelling nights with the help of plush companions from The Zoo Factory.

Set the Scene

First, create a cozy storytelling environment. Arrange a circle of cushions and blankets in the living room or your child’s bedroom. Let each child choose their favorite stuffed animal from The Zoo Factory to bring to the story circle. The presence of these cuddly friends can make the experience more comforting and engaging for the kids.

Choose Engaging Stories

Pick out stories that are age-appropriate and align with your child’s interests. You can opt for classic fairy tales, adventurous folklore, or even whimsical new stories. Books with bright illustrations and engaging narratives are especially effective. Alternatively, encourage creativity by making up your own stories.

Involve the Stuffed Animals

Assign roles to the stuffed animals. They can act as characters in the story or as fellow listeners. Encourage your children to use their stuffed animals to express reactions to the story – a gasp from a teddy bear or a cheer from a plush rabbit can make the experience more interactive.

Use Expressive Narration

As you read or narrate, use different voices for various characters and modulate your tone to build suspense and excitement. Expressive narration keeps children enthralled and helps bring the story to life. Don’t hesitate to include sound effects and dramatic pauses for effect.

Encourage Participation

Invite your children to contribute to the storytelling. They can suggest what happens next or describe a character’s actions. This not only enhances their engagement but also develops their creative thinking and storytelling skills.

End with a Discussion

After the story, have a brief discussion. Ask your children what they thought about the story, their favorite parts, or what they learned. This helps in developing their comprehension and critical thinking abilities.

Storytelling nights with stuffed animals are a great way to spend quality time with your children, away from the distractions of technology. Looking for the perfect storytelling companion? The Zoo Factory offers a wide range of stuffed animals that can become a cherished part of your family’s storytelling tradition. Visit us to find the perfect stuffed animal friend and embark on a journey of imaginative adventures and cozy evenings!

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5 Tips for Getting Your Children to Unplug from Screens

boy and girl playing on tablet

Every time you look over, it seems like your kid is burying their faces into another screen. Whether it be their cellphone, computer, video game, what-have-you, their entire lives seemed to be consumed by technology. This can be a serious problem, as several studies have proven that too much time staring at screens can have an adverse effect on our children’s health. So, if you find your child spends too much of their time with their computers, then here are some ways to get them to unplug:

Table of Contents

Set some rules

First thing’s first—if you want your child to stop using screens, you’ll need to establish some ground rules. Namely, make sure there’s a time limit on how many hours they can spend in front of a screen. You should also consider taking screens out of the bedroom or putting your phones away when dinnertime comes around.

Set an example

Our children learn from our actions, so if you spend most of your time staring at your cellphone too, your child is hardly going to change their habits. Instead, try and set a good example by following those house screen rules just as your child has to.


The more time your child spends staring at a book instead of a screen is time well-spent. The benefits of reading are endless, and a good book will ensure that your child doesn’t get bored and wander back to their electronics again.

Pick up a hobby or sport

A new hobby or sport is just the thing to get your kid active and engaged with the world. If you’re not sure where to start, try experimenting with different activities until your kid finds something that they enjoy.

Play some games

A lot of the time, when children are using electronics, they’re usually playing games. So, if you want to encourage them to step away from their video game for a bit, try to provide other sources of entertainment. Buy them a new set of toys or a new stuffed animal that they can use to play with their family members and friends.

Getting your child a new stuffed animal to play with is a great way to encourage them to put down their electronics for a little while. So, if you’re looking for a stuffable animal to give your child, then take a look at our selection here at The Zoo Factory.

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The Teddy Bear That Travels the World

We all dream of leaving our normal routines and traveling the world someday. Well, as it turns out, one adventurous teddy bear is doing just that. As the travel companion of travel writer Elaine Warner, Fuzzy has traveled from Spain to Norway to the Americas and back again. Read on to learn more:

Society of American Travel Writers

The Society of American Travel Writers is a networking organization for travel writers, journalists, photographers, and other content producers. It sponsors journalists like Warner to travel the world and write about interesting places and people. About 15 years ago, the SATW started a traveling teddy program where their travel journalists would bring teddy bears along with them. These teddy bears would be assigned to classrooms where they would write to students about where they’ve been.

Teddy’s Travels

Unfortunately, the program quickly dwindled. Travel journalists have to carry a lot of equipment with them, and it became difficult to constantly keep a teddy bear with them at all times. However, one teddy bear continued with his travels. Fuzzy, the teddy bear companion of Warner, continued to travel with her on her many trips. In the past 15 years, Fuzzy has been to the Grand Canyon, Madrid, Cornwall, and more. In 2008, Warner began a blog for Fuzzy called Teddy’s Travels where she documents what Fuzzy did at their most recent destination, even sharing some pictures of Fuzzy at famous places around the world.

A Learning Tool

Teddy’s Travels isn’t just a cute blog for people to follow, it has also become a learning tool for many classrooms around the country. “It’s very hand if you have five minutes between subjects or when it’s almost time for lunch or recess and you don’t want to start something new,” said Warner. “Teachers can take it as far as they want, or just use it for that. I once had a teacher who kept track of where the bear was going on a map in her classroom, and if the children were taking a trip themselves, she asked them to journal their stories.”

Looking for a travel companion of your own? Then check out some of the stuffable animals we have here at The Zoo Factory.