Growing up, our first best friend was likely our favorite stuffed animal. We all carried our treasured stuffed animals through life to help us tackle tough times and sleep through the night. Even as adults, we still love and cherish our stuffed animals. But did you know that our pets can love stuffed animals just like we do? Indeed, many pets, specifically dogs, can become attached to stuffed animals. But why is this the case? Read on to learn more.
It’s in Their Genes
Different dog breeds exhibit different character traits towards stuffed animals based on their ancestors. Dogs traditionally used for hunting and carrying game, such as retriever breeds, enjoy carrying around stuffed animals in their mouth because the feeling is familiar. Dogs that are passionate about playing fetch or chasing things also enjoy the playful aspect of stuffed animals. Stuffed animals rip apart easily and many dogs enjoy it because it triggers that “hunting” instinct that they can’t help but satisfy.
Pets Plays Favorites
Both dogs and cats have that one toy that seems to be their favorite, but what makes a certain stuffed animal a “favorite” for your pet? Many different reasons could explain why your pet might like one stuffed toy the most, from the size and smell to the shape and texture. Your pet probably also enjoys how that specific toy makes them feel or they might believe they are taking care of the toy like they would care for a puppy or kitten. Pets create attachments to their favorite stuffed animals and associate them with mothering, playfulness, or relaxation.
Our Pets Love Us
Pets are intelligent and can make connection between special moments with their favorite toy and happy memories of you. Giving your dog or cat a new toy makes them happy with you, symbolizing a special moment that impacts your pet in a unique way. Perhaps because you gave your pet a stuffed animal and because they love and respect you, they choose to love and care for the toy as a result! This is likely why our pets attempt to play with us when playing with their toys!
Looking for a stuffed animal for a loved one? With dozens of fun, soft animals to choose from, The Zoo Factory likely has your child’s new favorite friend and toy.