Our children’s toys go through a lot. They’re dropped on the ground, put in mouths, and shoved into the bottom of backpacks. As a parent, you want your children to be able to play with their toys, but you also want to make sure that the germs those toys pick up don’t hurt your kids. Indeed, toys can be germ magnets, with bacteria surviving for long periods of time. To best protect our children, then, we need to regularly disinfect their toys. Here’s how:
For plastic toys that don’t run on batteries, the best way to clean them is by sticking them in the dishwasher. If, however, they do have batteries, then you should handwash them with soap and hot water. This should get rid of most surface dirt and germs, but if the toy needs a more thorough cleaning, then add in some vinegar and baking soda to get the job done. Once you’ve finished washing, be sure to rinse the toy thoroughly and let them dry.
Toys made out of natural wood will warp if you try to place them in a sink full of water. Instead, grab a lint-free cloth and dip it into mild soapy water (such as dish soap or hand soap). Then, wipe the damp cloth along the surface of the wood before drying with a towel. For extremely dirty spots, use rubbing alcohol to break down the remaining dirt and grime.
Knitted toys
Knitted toys such as stuffed animals, blankets, or cloth books can either be hand-washed or machine-washed. If you hand-wash the toys, use lukewarm water and detergent. If you decide to machine-wash them, then do so on the gentlest cycle that your washing machine has. For a step-by-step guide on how to wash your stuffed animals, read over our guide here.
For more tips on how to clean and disinfect your child’s toys, look through our website or contact us today.