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The Healthy Aspects of Attachments to Stuffed Animals

girl reading book teddy bear

As a parent, it can become overwhelming to feel the judgements of other parents.  People will likely lecture you, specifically as your children grow, on what types of items your children should be growing out of.

The Zoo Factory has highlighted how a child’s attachment to a stuffed animal is not as alarming as many parents believe.

Children are Less Shy with Attachments to Objects

When a child has an attachment to an object such as a teddy bear or blanket, they generally feel more brave and comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

As children develop attachments to comforting objects, they will learn to interact in a comfortable manner. A child doesn’t receive any judgments from a teddy bear which is why children often view them as “friends” and gain a sense of security from them, regardless of their age.

Increased Empathy in Social Situations

As children establish bonds with comforting objects such as teddy bears, they learn how to handle transitions along with unfamiliar environments. When a child has the comfort of a stuffed animal, it usually increases their overall empathy and helps them to understand other people’s desire to feel comfort. Children care deeply about their stuffed animals which helps them develop a sense of empathy for people as well.

As children grow into adolescence and adulthood, they will eventually let go of their beloved friend, but every child has their own schedule.

Do you recall a stuffed animal or blanket that you were really attached to? You might still even have it somewhere! The Zoo Factory has a variety of stuffed animals that might just be your child’s new best friend for life.

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Libraries Use Stuffed Animals to Encourage Young Readers

Teddy Bear Reading

At The Zoo Factory, we love to see the different ways parents and children appreciate stuffed animals in their lives. That’s why we were thrilled to read about the Somerville Public Library’s “stuffed animal sleepover” event that took place in late July. It incorporated two of our favorite things: our best fluffy friends, and the joy of reading.

If you hadn’t yet heard, a library outside of Boston, MA, hosted a “stuffed animal sleepover” bringing books and stuffed animals together.

What that meant was young readers were invited to drop off their stuffed animal at the library for a sleepover and could pick them up the next day. In the meantime, the librarians spent the evening arranging the stuffed animals in different settings, so it makes it look as if they’re watching a movie or playing toys with each other. The photos were then shown to the stuffed animals’ rightful owners.

The event was promoted to get children more involved in their local libraries. Time and time again, libraries are shown to be incredible sources of knowledge and fun for children, at virtually no cost to the parents. There, they can explore new worlds through books and literature, understand current affairs by examining the newspapers and magazines that are available, and take part in workshops made available to them.

This comes at a time when people are debating what libraries mean in 2018—and if the “stuffed animal sleepover” is any indication, the answer is: fun!

At The Zoo Factory, we are so delighted to see institutions like the local library use stuffed animals in an educative, appealing manner. It’s no surprise that the event drew widespread attention both on and offline. We offer our customers an extensive selection of figures and toys that would be perfect sleepover companions. Contact us today to learn more!

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Hospice Inspires Patients with Teddy Bears

girl hands holding a teddy bear

When a doctor diagnoses someone you love with a terminal illness, the next step is to find a facility that exists to serve his or her medical, physical, and social needs. Beyond this, those that need end-of-life care – as well as the supportive network of family members and friends they leave behind – also require emotional support to move through each tough, scary experience.

Hope is one of the best feelings a patient can focus on, as hope inspires people to believe they might get better. During times of restlessness, anxiety, depression, or sadness, hope is the shining light that people cling to for guidance. As the desire for a certain thing to happen, hope is a feeling of expectation that breeds optimism and positivity.

Notorious for bringing comfort and joy to people for over a century, teddy bears are a friendly symbol of hope and love to children and adults alike.

With their soft, soothing fur and welcoming, constant smiles, teddy bears generate feelings of contentment. Hugging a teddy bear brings instant feelings of warmth and gladness, taking away fear and pushing away negative emotions.

Capitalizing on these feelings of hope, Serenity Hospice in Peachtree City is using a teddy bear named Hope, created by public relations and marketing coordinator Erica Graham, to give patients a little joy in spite of their illnesses. By providing patients with the small, stuffed Hope bear when they arrive at the facility, Graham bestows a simple reminder upon each patient that they can find hope everywhere.

To demonstrate hope, Graham carries her own Hope bear on different journeys to show that you can truly find hope in any stage of life. By taking the bear on adventures, Graham uses a combination of humor and messaging to help patients get through difficult times.

Teddy bears do wonders for those needing a little optimism and hope. Give your own gift of hope to someone who could use some cheering up by sending him or her a stuffable animal from The Zoo Factory, where you can stuff, dress, and love a new friend.

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Tips on Donating Stuffed Animals

Donation box with Stuffed Animal

Stuffed animals provide love, hope, and joy to children of all ages; however, many children only receive stuffed animals and other toys through donations.

Donating stuffed animals is a great way to provide hope to a child in a tough situation and The Zoo Factory has some tips on how to make a successful donation.

Help Your Child Understand

While you might have the best intentions, your child might not understand why you are giving away their stuffed animals to a stranger. Although decluttering your home sounds inviting, your child might need some time to understand why it is important to donate.

Have a conversation with your child about the concept of charity. Explain how their older stuffed animals will help make another child happy and how important that is. Help your child be involved in the process of donating and let them help you pick the best place to send their stuffed animals.

How to Find Teddy’s New Home

Selecting where to donate stuffed animals will depend on where you live. However, many towns have similar locations for donating stuffed animals, just do some research to find the best place in your area.

Look into what local thrift stores allow stuffed animal donations. Many foster care agencies also appreciate more toys for their children. Depending on where you live, you can also consider donating to children’s hospitals, women’s homeless shelters, and school counselors. You might even consider doing to animal shelters for old, worn out stuffed animals.

Hashing out Policies and Logistics

When looking for the best location to donate your stuffed animals to, don’t be afraid to ask some questions about donation policies. Too often well-intentioned donations end up in the trash due to unfollowed policies.

For example, if a place typically serves infants, you’ll need to consider age-appropriate safety in terms of pieces that come off your stuffed toys.

You should also consider the logistics of your donation such as the best times to donate. Will your location accept one stuffed animal, or do you need to donate in groups? Should you drop off the items in bags or boxes? These questions will help you know the best way to make your donation count.

The Zoo Factory offers stuffable animals perfect for helping your child bring their next best friend to life. Purchase several stuffed animals with The Zoo Factory and have your child create several stuffed animals to donate as well.

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How to Throw a Teddy Bear Picnic Party

Teddy Bear on a Picnic

Now that sunshine has become consistent across the United States, many people are eager to get outside with their families and enjoy the weather while it lasts.

If you’re looking for a way to keep your children busy now that school is out for the summer, consider helping them host a teddy bear picnic.

Guests and Invitations

Consider inviting your child’s classroom pals to a teddy bear picnic party for one last “gathering” as the children part ways for the summer months. Encourage guests to dress up as teddy bears or allow them to create their own costumes at the party; bear ears or masks are some easy and fun ways to incorporate your theme. Face painting is another great idea for those skilled enough to turn children into fuzzy bears!

Create some fun bear-shaped invitations and make sure to invite each guest’s teddy bear as well. For introductions, have each child introduce their teddy bear to everyone after they introduce themselves.

Venue and Decorations

Hosting a teddy bear picnic party outdoors in your backyard or at a park is ideal, as you can use the natural settings as your decorations. However, in the event of rain, hosting a picnic inside is also easy with the right decorations.

To start, grab all the teddy bears you have and set up some plastic tea sets between the bears. Grab some brightly colored blankets to serve as seating for the party. Find creative ways to use picnic baskets, like for holding utensils or for games. Finish off the decorations with some balloons and streamers.

Food and Activities

Go for picnic-themed foods, like sandwiches, fruits, chips, and ice cream. Add some fun touches with bear-shaped foods – just grab a bear-shaped cookie cutter and go to town. Consider Teddy Grahams and gummy bears to fit your theme. Remember to serve your food on brightly colored or bear-themed plates.

For entertainment, grab some books about bears and have a read along. Set up some crafts for kids to make their own bears, and teach partygoers some bear songs like “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.” Consider showing a movie featuring a bear, like Winnie the Pooh.

Another great activity is to let children bring their own new teddy bear or stuffed animal to life! The Zoo Factory offers stuffable bears and other animals perfect for making memories at parties. Complete your party with this fun activity and your teddy bear picnic will be a great success!

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Triple-A Baseball Team Soon to Play as Teddy Bears

Baseball on Foul Line

Teddy bears symbolize love and safety to children who consider the stuffed animals as best friends. Children carry the bears everywhere, trusting them with their secrets and sharing their childhood with them. Seeing a child’s eyes light up as they hug a new teddy bear is truly priceless.

Children from Geisinger Janet Weis Children’s Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House of Scranton will soon meet new teddy bear friends when the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders donate stuffed animals after June 30 following their teddy bear toss.

The team is taking a new twist on charity by hosting a teddy bear toss during the game while wearing special uniforms and making a major name change for the evening.

To show their dedication to the cause, the RailRiders will also wear special brown and yellow uniforms for the game, featuring a teddy bear holding a baseball bat, and change their name for the event to the “Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Teddy Bears.”

The game is against the Pawtucket Red Sox on June 30 at PNC Field. Fans who bring a stuffed animal to the game will earn a free lawn seat and get to toss the toy onto the field after the 4th inning. The team will collect the bears and gift them after the game, creating a fun way for fans to get involved and give back to the community.

The team will also auction off the jerseys to benefit the SWB Pinstripes Foundation and their work in improving educational programs, aiding the underserved, supporting children and senior welfare, and more.

Find your child their own new teddy bear or stuffed animal from The Zoo Factory, offering a selection of buildable, stuffable bears and other animals to bring to life. With no sewing needed and plenty of outfits to choose from, this convenient and fun gift is the perfect memory making activity.

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Teddy Bear Explores for Science

Stuffed Animals in School

Scientists are always working hard to find new ways to explore the world around us, and recently, a teddy bear got involved and bravely ventured out into the great unknown.

A teddy bear named “Nugget” was launched into the stratosphere by the Museum of the Goldfields in Australia, equipped with a GPS and a camera in the name of science.

The idea of this experiment was to use the teddy bear to study the local region, and for residents to have a better understanding of what’s around them. The faux animal’s findings will be used for educational purposes at the museum, which was established to promote science, math, geography, and other subjects to local patrons.

“Nugget” was strapped to a helium balloon when taking off, and not too long after lift-off, the museum’s staff actually lost track of the teddy bear, as it floated to altitudes of 37 km. After nearly three hours of no contact, the teddy bear was tracked down as it began its descent, having gone some 50 km further astray than previously thought. According to some recent reports, the teddy bear’s landing location had been charted thanks to a recovery mission set up by the museum. What it saw along the way will be anyone’s guess, once the footage is viewed.

We are looking forward to seeing what “Nugget” picked up along his journey, especially for scientific purposes. At The Zoo Factory, we love to see stories like this—where science is being used in a way to educate young minds. And with teddy bears, even better!

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Little Teddy Bears Take a Big Adventure

Bear in Flight Goggles

Teddy bears serve many great purposes. They give us a friend to hug and love, they are great sleeping partners, and often times, they can be used to raise awareness for a good cause.

Students in Indiana recently raised a lot of money using teddy bears, and in the process, the teddy bears got to have a lot of fun.

Forty students from the Indiana University Dance Marathon (IUDM) recently made headlines when they each jumped out of a plane with a teddy bear along for the ride, all in the name of boosting the spirits of the kids at the Riley Hospital for Children in Indiana.

The plan was simple or so they say. The 40 students each took their own teddy bear and loaded into an airplane. Once they were in full flight (13,000 feet in the air), each student jumped out of the plane with a teddy bear in tow.

Why you may ask?

Well, they wanted to give the brave children at the hospital a brave teddy bear to keep by their side, and after jumping out of a plane and falling towards the ground at 120 mph, each bear was then considered the “Bravest Bear in the World.” These bears were then presented to the “Bravest Kids in the World.”

This is the fourth year that these students have had this event and not only does it produce brave bears, but over the years, they have raised many millions of dollars for the hospital with 75 percent of that money going to research and 25 percent going to clinical care. All for a cause that is 100 percent for the children.

It is so refreshing these days to have young people who are so compassionate about those in need, and these kids are really dedicated. As event organizer Matt Arnold has said, “Looking out of the door of the plane at 13,000 feet, knowing you are going to jump out is scary, but when you think about these kids are going through, it’s a lot scarier. This program puts it all in perspective.”

At The Zoo Factory, we also take pride on putting smiles on children’s faces, and that is why we offer a comprehensive selection of stuffed animals and stuffable animal kits so each child can make their own customized best friend to accompany them through thick and thin. Check out our site to see our grand selection.

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The History of Raikes Bears

Woodworker Carving a Piece of Wood

If you’re a fan of teddy bears and their rich history, you’ve probably heard of the Raikes Bear. This is one of the most historical teddy bears of all times, especially known for the unique features it possesses.

Raikes Bears are well-known for their carved, wooden faces. While they were extremely popular many years ago, they are now pretty hard to come by.

Robert Raikes who was the creator of the Raikes Bear was well-traveled according to ThoughtCo. Raikes was born in California and lived all over the United States. He also lived in England, and after joining the military, lived in various parts of Southeast Asia.

Raikes had a passion for carving, which resulted in the famous Raikes Bear. His earliest carvings consisted of wooden sculptures that ranged from furniture to carousel horses. In the 1970s, Raikes was asked to produce dolls. As a result, the first version of the Raikes Bears, which had a carved wooden face and cloth bodies filled with sawdust, hit the market.

In the next few years, Raikes perfected his aesthetic and his teddy bears started to become very popular. In the 1980s, Raikes created the first Raikes Bear that most people are familiar with now.

After selling the bears for several years, Raikes sold the licensing rights to a company called Applause. After a couple of successful years, Raikes reclaimed the rights to the unique bears, hoping to perfect them and bring a limited number to the market. With that, their value increased immensely because only a few bears were available at one time and they were being crafted by Raikes himself.

Raikes Bears are now available in second hand shops and specialty gift stores, but they certainly come at cost. If you have one of the originals, it could now be worth hundreds.

The Zoo Factory has dozens of fun, soft animals to choose from, your child can pick out his or her new favorite friend and toy.

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Teddy Bears Benefit Children Visiting the Doctor

Does your child typically behave poorly while visiting the doctor? Do they often sob in the waiting room, disregard the toys provided, and cling to you walking towards an examination room?Teddy Bears Benefit Children Visiting the Doctor

They aren’t alone. Most children have anxieties and fears about visiting the doctor’s office. The waiting rooms can often feel tense and ominous and although the rooms are often decorated to be appealing to children, the cartoon animals rarely distract them from the instruments on the table.

Whether children are visiting for a routine checkup or are getting a procedure done, lots of kids feel stressed out while at the doctor’s, as many adults do too. However, it is important that your child does not grow up to be afraid of the doctor. Parents must consider how they might be able to change their child’s attitude about doctor, and the University of Nebraska Center College of Nursing has a few ideas.

The college recently partnered with the local zoo to hold a teddy bear check-up day: kids brought their stuffed animals down to the zoo where they were able to help medical professionals give the teddy a check-up. The medical professionals checked the ears, eyes, reflexes, and stomachs of the bears, and the kids were able to watch the exam happen.

Children at the event were encouraged to interact with the medical professionals and communicate any health issues their teddies may have been having lately such as upset stomachs and ear aches.

The event was designed to make children more comfortable with the prospect of a physical examination by a non-parent: in a comfortable environment, at the zoo, they take on the role of caretaker so that they can become familiar with the process of having a check-up.

Hoping to create a teddy bear that the child in your life will love? Head over to the Zoo Factory.